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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ven. Thaw Phake Ta
ID. 5701201089
The Belief of Buddhism
    It is going to give some knowledge about the belief in the Buddhism that how to believe the mind-self and be confidance yourself. So the most important for be belief in the Buddhism is the Karma which mean faith from your life what you have done and what did you do for the merit to your life. Buddhism centers on correct understanding of human nature and ultimate reality. The Buddha was, after all, called the "Enlightened One." He taught that the way to eliminate suffering began with understanding the true nature of the world.
   However, the Buddha considered knowledge important only insofar as it remains practical. He rejected speculation about such matters as God, the nature of the universe, and the afterlife, urging his followers to focus instead on the Four Noble Truths by which they can free themselves from suffering.The main beliefs of Buddhism are reincarnation, the four noble truths, the five precepts and the three trainings or practices. Buddhism also has an eightfold path that was created by the Buddha and helps lead people toward enlightenment. 
     The karma that to belief yourself. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. 
       The parents’ share in the Karma determining the physical factors of their issue is as follows: If they are human beings, then their offspring will be a human being. If they are cattle then their issue must be of their species. If the human being is Chinese, then their offspring must be of their race. Thus, the offspring are invariably of the same genera and species, etc., as those of the progenitors. It will be seen from the above that, although a child’s Karma is very powerful in itself, if cannot remain wholly uninfluenced by those of it parents. It is apt to inherit the physical characteristic of its parents. Yet, it may occur that the child’s Karma, being superlatively powerful, the influence of the parent’s joint Karma cannot overshadow it. Of course, it need hardly be pointed out that the evil influences of parents can also be counteracted by the application of medical science.
     It is according to my underestanding about the belief the Buddhism concerning the subject the religion of philosophy in Buddhism. That's why I  believe that the karma can help your life to improve your life again and again untill the happiness of your life.



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